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Our previous research

Collectively, the research team has published widely on photography and stock imagery, data visualization and data in everyday life, and data journalism and digital life.

Below you will find our previous research outputs as relating to these themes:

Research on photography and stock imagery

Aiello, G. and Parry, K. (2020). Visual Communication: Understanding Images in Media Culture. London: SAGE. [especially Chapter 4 with a focus on documentary photography and photojournalism, and Chapter 10 with regards to stock imagery]

Thurlow, C., Aiello, G., and Portmann, L. (2020). “Visualizing teens and technology: A social semiotic analysis of stock photography and news media imagery”. New Media & Society, 22(3), 528-549.

Aiello, G. (2020). “Visual semiotics: Key concepts and new directions”. In Luc Pauwels and Dawn Mannay (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods (2nd ed.) (pp. 367-380). London: SAGE.

Giorgia Aiello, Federica Bardelli, Sofia Chiarini, Giacomo Flaim, Simon Boas, Eva Brussaard, Jennifer Colombari, Rahel Estermann, Oriane Piquer, Jasper Schelling, Pieter Vliegenthart, Jeroen de Vos (2017). “Taking Stock: Can News Images Be Generic?”. Digital Methods Summer School 2017. Digital Methods Initiative, University of Amsterdam.

Giorgia Aiello, Atossa Atabaki, Federica Bardelli, Erik Borra, Jorinde Bosma, Aliki Eleftheriadou, Alixia Garceau, Elias Gorter, Denise van Kollenburg, Katharina Lueke, Donato Ricci, Lotte van Rosmalen, Giovanna Salazar, Alexander Sommers, Charlot Verlouw, Anne Zwaan (2016). “A Critical Genealogy of the Getty Images Lean In Collection: Researching the Feminist Politics of Stock Photography Across Representation, Circulation and Recontextualization”. Digital Methods Winter School 2016. Digital Methods Initiative, University of Amsterdam. (Research cited in The New York Times on 7/9/2017)

Aiello, G. and Woodhouse, A. (2016). “When corporations come to define the visual politics of gender: The case of Getty Images”. Journal of Language and Politics, 15(3), 352-368. (Research cited in The New York Times on 25/10/2018)

Aiello, G. (2016). “Taking stock”. Ethnography Matters.

Aiello, G. (2013). “Generiche differenze: La comunicazione visiva della soggettività lesbica nell’archivio fotografico Getty Images”. Studi Culturali, anno X, n. 3, 523-548. (Research cited in The New York Times on 25/10/2018)

Aiello, G. (2013). “Fra abiezione e stilizzazione: Corpi femminili, corpi lesbici e corpi queer nella comunicazione visiva globale”. AG About Gender – Rivista Internazionale di Studi di Genere, 2(3), 145-163.

Aiello, G. (2012). “The ‘other’ Europeans: The semiotic imperative of style in Euro Visions by Magnum Photos”. Visual Communication, 11(1), 49-77.

Røstvik, ‘Mother Nature as Brand Strategy: Gender and Creativity in Tampax Advertising 2007–2009’, Enterprise & Society Volume 21, Issue 2 (June 2020), pp 413-452.

Røstvik, ‘Visual Narratives: A History of Art at CERN’, Leonardo Volume 52, Issue 1 (February 2019): p. 30-36.

Research on data visualization and data in everyday life

Aiello, G. (2020). “Inventorizing, situating, transforming: Social semiotics and data visualization”. In Helen Kennedy and Martin Engebretsen (Eds.), Data Visualization in Society. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press.

Engebretsen, M. and Kennedy, H. (eds) (2020) Data Visualization in Society, Amsterdam University Press, open access,

Hartman, T., Kennedy, H., Steedman, R. and Jones, R. (2020) ‘Public perceptions of good data management: findings from a UK-based survey’, Big Data and Society,

Steedman, R., Kennedy, H. & Jones, R. (2020) ‘Complex ecologies of trust in data practices and data-driven systems’ Information, Communication and Society,

Kennedy, H., Steedman, R. & Jones, R. (2020) ‘Approaching public perceptions of datafication through the lens of inequality: a case study in public service media’ Information, Communication and Society,

Kennedy, H. (2018) ‘Living with data: aligning data studies and data activism through a focus on everyday experiences of datafiction’, Krisis: journal for contemporary philosophy, Issue 1,

Kennedy, H. (2016) Post, Mine, Repeat: social media data mining becomes ordinary, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kennedy, H. and Hill, R. (2017) ‘The feeling of numbers: emotions in everyday engagements with data and their visualisation’, Sociology, 52 (4): 830-848,

Kennedy, H., Hill, R., Allen, W. and Kirk, A. (2016) ‘Engaging with (big) data visualisations: factors that affect engagement and resulting new definitions of effectiveness’, First Monday, 21 (11),

Kennedy, H. and Hill, R. (2016) ‘The pleasure and pain of visualising data in times of data power’, Television and New Media, 18 (8): 769-782,

Hill, R., Kennedy, H. and Gerrard, Y. (2016) ‘Visualising junk: the gendered derision of a data visualisation’, Journal of Communication Inquiry, 40 (4): 331-350,

Kennedy, H., Hill, R., Aiello, G. and Allen, W. (2016) ‘The work that visualisation conventions do’, Information, Communication and Society, 19 (6): 715-735,

Kennedy, H. and Allen, W. (2016) ‘Data visualisation as an emerging tool for online research’, in N.G. Fielding, R.M. Lee and G. Blank (eds) The Sage Handbook of Online Research Methods, 2nd edition, London: Sage.

Andrejevic, M., Hearn, A. and Kennedy, H. (2015) ‘Cultural studies of data mining: an introduction’, The European Journal of Cultural Studies, 18 (4-5): 379-394,

Research on digital and data journalism

Kennedy, H., Weber, W., Engebretsen, M. (2020) ‘Data visualization and transparency in the news’ in M. Engebretsen and H. Kennedy (eds) (2020) Data Visualization in Society, Amsterdam University Press.

Kennedy, H., Engebretsen, M., Hill, R.L., Kirk, A., Weber, W. and Allen, W. (2019) 'Data Visualisations: Newsroom Trends and Everyday Engagements' in J. Gray & L. Bounegru (eds) The Data Journalism Handbook 2: towards a critical data practice.

Engebretsen, M., Kennedy, H. and Weber, W. (2018) ’Data Visualization in Scandinavian Newsrooms: Emerging Trends in Journalistic Visualization Practices,’ Nordicom Review, 39 (2): 3-18,

Weber, W., Engebretsen, M., & Kennedy, H. (2018) ‘Data stories: Rethinking journalistic storytelling in the context of data journalism,’ Studies in Communication Sciences, 18 (1): 191-206,

Anderson, C.W. (2018). Apostles of Certainty: Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Anderson, C.W. (2017). “Social survey reportage: Context, narrative, and information: visualization in early 20th century American journalism.” Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism 18(1): 81-100.

Fink, K. and Anderson, C.W. [second author] (2015). “Data Journalism in the United States: Beyond the Usual Suspects.” Journalism Studies, 16(4): 467-481.

Anderson, C.W. (2013). Rebuilding the News: Metropolitan Journalism in the Digital Age. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Røstvik, Aileen Fyfe, Stephen Curry, Noah Moxham, Julie MacDougal, Kelly Coate, Untangling Academic Publishing: The troubled History of the Relationship Between Commerce, Circulation and Prestige in Academic Publishing Since 1945 ( : Zenodo, 2017).